Memorandum of Association


NEW DELHI-110029
MOBILE: 9810488059
E-MAIL: cscad2010@gmail. Com

1.  Name of Society:  The name of the Society shall be “Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi”.

2.  Registered Office:  The registered office of the Society shall remain in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and at present located at B-2/73-B, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029.

3.  Aims and Objects: 
      i)    To get the National Policy on Older Persons (1999) implemented in letter and spirit.
     ii)    To get the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act. 2007     implemented.
    iii)    To support member associations and carry out the various schemes for the well being of senior citizens like Recreation Centres/Day Care Centres, Old Age Homes, awareness programmes, re-employment bureaus, etc. for senior citizens.
   iv)    To conduct and support seminars, workshops, spiritual discussions, cultural programme yoga educational talks on health and nutrition to benefit particularly the needy.
    v)    To make efforts for creation of State and National Commissions for Senior Citizens.
   vi)    To pursue matters with Police/Authorities relating to harassment and abuse of senior citizens and get them required relief and protection.
Vii)      To organise exchange of views and programmes with the senior citizens Associations in India and abroad on reciprocal basis.
viii)     To render legal assistance to needy senior citizens with the cooperation of the concerned authorities.
  ix)      To get the legislations affecting senior citizens simplified.
   x)      To secure complete health care whether physical, mental, social, financial and spiritual for the senior citizens and also to organise health camps.
xi)     To seek representations/nominations in policy making bodies of Govt. for Senior Citizens at national/state level.
xii)    To develop will power among amongst senior citizens for their dignified and meaningful social lice and safe future and to explore their hidden capabilities.
xiii)   To promote and develop the ancient joint family culture with emotional, aesthetic and human approach and to inculcate ethical values among family members and younger generation for care, love and respect for all.
   xiv)  To make efforts for the creation of Self Help Groups.
    xv)  To make efforts for creating a senior citizens housing complex by forming senior citizens groups housing cooperatives by taking land from DDA and other Government agencies as well as private agencies on nominal rates in the safer areas.
   xvi)  To be in liaison with the Government/non-government agencies for up to date information about the different policies and programmes so as to enrich the society to utilize the same for the benefit of one and all.
  xvii)  To provide material/moral support to the destitute and indigent women/children and to the handicapped and mentally retarded persons.
xviii)   To enlighten the senior citizens in regard to promoting human values in educations system for the coming younger generation.
   xix)   To associate with Government Agencies and NGOs dealing with senior citizens especially Help Age India.
    xx)   To build pressure on Government to issue smart cards to all senior citizens of Delhi and NCR.  To build pressure for geriatric centres in all the government hospitals along with private hospitals which have been allotted land by DDA or any other agency on subsidized rates.
   xxi)   To take any other steps which are necessary for the well being of the senior citizens and the needy.
All the income/subscriptions/donations/earnings and movable/immovable property of the Society shall be solely utilized for the purpose of fulfilment of the above objectives as set forth in Memorandum of Association and no profit or part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly/indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner whatsoever to the present/past members of the Society, or to any person claiming through any or more of the present or past members.  No members of Society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Society or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of his membership.
4. Governing Body:
The names, addresses, occupations, designations of the present elected members of the Governing Body to whom the Management of the Society is entrusted as required under Section 2 of Societies Registration Act of 1860, as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi are given below.  Remaining Office Bearers of the Governing Body shall be duly intimated as and when required.
Name & Designation in Society
Shri J. R. Gupta, Chairperson
A38D, DDA Flat, Munirka
Social Activist
Smt. Sudershan Arora, Vice-Chairperson
334, Double Storey, Retired New Rajinder Nagar,   New Delhi-110060

Mr. Balbir Singh Yadav, Secretary
DDA Flat No. 42, Sector-6, Pocket 1, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075.

Shri Murlimanohar, Joint Secretary
15/403, DDA Flat, Madangir, Ambedkarnagar, New Delhi-110062.

Shri L. R. Garg, Treasurer
BA-13E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi-110067

Shri I.P. Mullick, Member
8/28, South Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110092

Shri Sardari Lal, Mamber
C-104, Narwana Apptt., Partapganj, New Delhi-110092

5.  Desirous Persons:
We, the undersigned are desirous of forming the Society named Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi under the Societies Act, 1860 as applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi in accordance with the Memorandum of Association.  We have been duly nominated by our respective Associations who have through resolutions of their respective Managing Committees decided to become members of the Governing Body of the Society.
Name & Designation in Society
Shri J. R. Gupta, Chairperson
A38D, DDA Flat, Munirka
Social Activist
Smt. Sudershan Arora, Vice-Chairperson
334, Double Storey, Retired New Rajinder Nagar,   New Delhi-110060

Mr. Balbir Singh Yadav, Secretary
DDA Flat No. 42, Sector-6, Pocket 1, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075.

Shri Murlimanohar, Joint Secretary
15/403, DDA Flat, Madangir, Ambedkarnagar, New Delhi-110062.

Shri L. R. Garg, Treasurer
BA-13E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi-110067

Shri I.P. Mullick, Member
8/28, South Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110092

Shri Sardari Lal, Mamber
C-104, Narwana Apptt., Partapganj, New Delhi-110092

1.        Name of the Society:
Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi
2.        Membership defined:  The term Member shall be referred to any registered Senior Citizens Association/Federation of Delhi.
3.        (a)  Subsctiption:  Rs. 500/- per association/Federation per annum.
            (b) Contribution/Donations:  The Society shall accept contribution and donations from India as well as abroad from any individual/organizations/corporate/government, etc., for the welfare activities of senior citizens, under proper printed receipt subject to rules and regulations as permissible.

4.        Termination/Cessation of Membership:   Membership shall cease due to any of the following reasons as per decision taken by the Governing Body.
            (i)     Not attending three successive meeting without any intimation.
(ii)    If the Association Members does not abide by directives of Society and Rules & Regulations as envisaged in the constitution or acts contrary to the aims and objectives of the Society and is suspended/expelled on the recommendation of the Governing Body by the Chairperson.
           (iii)  Voluntary resignation.
            (iv)  Death, insolvency, insanity.

5.        Appeal and Re-admission of Membership:  A member can appeal for re-admission through his written request against his termination of membership.  If Governing Body finds his reply to satisfaction, he can be re-admitted to the Society.

6.        Rights, Privileges and Duties of Members:  A Member Association shall attend General Body Meeting, put forth resolutions/no confidence motion, participate in general election/voting, shall have right to inspect Society’s accounts, membership register etc., shall have right to appeal on any issue.  The Member Association shall have to follow directions of the Governing Body and observe rules and regulations/aims and objects of the constitution of the organization.
7.    General Body: 
       (a)   General Body Defined:  The General Body of the Society shall consist of all registered members of   Senior Citizens Association/Federation of Delhi.
      (b)    Powers, duties and functions of General Body:  The General Body shall approve Annual Budgets Annual Reports, Income and Expenditure Accounts, Balance Sheets, etc., pass resolutions, decide the subscription of the members, elect the Governing Body, Pass no confidence motion, if required, pass resolution for dissolution of the organization, conduct meetings, appoint Auditors/Chartered Accountants, etc.  There shall be one Annual General Body Meeting.  However, in emergent Cases such meetings can be convened on requisition from two-third Members.
8.             Governing Body: 
(a)  The body upon whom the responsibility of fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the Society is vested and corresponding actions/activities taken thereof shall be defined as Governing Body.
(b) The Governing Body will be constituted through elections by the General Body every two years.
©   The term of the Governing Body of the Society shall be two years.
(d)  The Minimum and maximum strength of Governing Body Shall not less than 7 and not more than 25.

(e)  Composition of the Governing Body:  The Governing Body shall constitute the following positions:-
S.No.         Office Bearers                                No. of Post
1.                Chairperson                                                 1
2.                Vice Chairpersons                                      5
3.                Secretary General                                      1
4.                Joint Secretary’s                                         5
5.                Treasurer                                                      1
6.                Executive Members                       ___12_____                      
                                                                       Total       25                                                                         
 (f)  Patrons:  The Governing Body of the Society may approve eminent persons commanding respectable position as patrons.
(g)  Advisor:  Help-age India which is a prominent Society working for the cause and care of the elderly nationwide will be permanent Advisor to the Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi till they are willing to be the Advisor of the Confederation.
(h)  Financial Year:  The Financial Year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of the successive year.
(i)  Elections:  Final list of all paid up members (up to date) must be displayed by second week of March each year, Nominations/final list  of nominations of Governing Body must be displayed by third week of March and elections can be either by show of hands or secret ballot as decided in the General Body Meeting.  A member shall be debarred from voting/contesting the election due to pending dues.

9.    Powers and Duties of Office Bearers:
        (a)  Chairperson
(i)   He shall preside all the General Body meetings and shall confirm         the proceedings of the meeting.
(ii) He shall maintain law and order and decorum during meeting hours and exercise his absolute control/powers for peaceful and disciplined code of conduct to carry out business/matters of the meeting.
 (iii) He shall approve all membership admission/expenses, pass vouchers subject to verification by the Secretary General and Treasure.
(iv)  He shall ensure the strict observance of Society constitution and its aims and objectives.
(v)   He shall be empowered to cast one extra vote towards the final decision on issues in case of tie.
(vi) He is empowered to spend a maximum sum of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) out of contingency fund at one time in financial year without any prior approval.  The expenses shall be regularized in the next meeting of the Governing Body.
                  (vii) To apply for permission of Income Tax exemption/foreign donations.
           (b)  Vice-Chairpersons:  To Assist the Chairperson in implementation of aims and objectives of the Society.  One of the Vice-chairpersons authorized by the Governing Body shall also officiate and discharge all the functions of the Chairperson in his short absence.
         ©        Secretary General:
                  (i)    To assist the Chairperson for the implementation of the aims and objectives of the Society.
                 (ii)        He shall be the custodian of all files and records and issue notices for the meetings.
                (iii)        He shall maintain the minutes of the meeting and is empowered to incur expenditure up to Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) subject to approval from Governing Body.
 (d)      Joint Secretary:  To assist the Secretary General for the implementation of the aims and objectives of the Society.
(e)       Treasurer:
(i)   He shall issue all receipts, make payments, prepare Annual Budget, financial report, balance sheets, income and expenditure accounts, etc
(ii)      He shall maintain all accounts and relevant records and deal with financial matters of the Society.
(iii)     He shall also assist the Internal Auditor/Chartered Accountant in the auditing process to put the final audit documents in the General Body meeting for approval.
(iv)    He shall keep an imprest cash amount of Rs 1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) for emergency use.
           (f)          Governing Body Members:  The Governing Body Members shall co-operate with the office bearers in discharging their duties for the welfare of the Society, can put up a resolution for its consideration in the Governing Body, can vote on resolution to be passed or rejected any other responsibility assigned to them by the Chairperson, can also put up a vote of no confidence for its consideration.
          (g)          Quorum and Notice of the Meeting:
                      (i)    The General Body shall have minimum quorum of 1/3rd  of the total strength of the members enrolled except in case of Annual Meeting for Election, Annual Reports, Financial
 Reports, midterm election constitutional amendments, no confidence motion, dissolution, etc., where a minimum of 2/3rd 
                                    of the total strength of enrolled members is required to conduct the affairs of the meeting.
                    (ii)           The General Body meeting shall be held annually for which a minimum of 15 days notice in writing shall be required before the meeting.  However, in emergency, General Body meeting can be called at short notice.  The adjourned meeting can be reconvened after half an hour.
                  (iii)            The Governing Body meeting shall be held every quarter for which a minimum quorum of 1/3rd of the executive strength is required and a minimum notice of 7 days is essential.

10.      Filling of Casual Vacancy:  The vacancy (if any) found vacant could be filled up through nomination in the Governing Body, on an ad-hoc basic.  However, such vacancies are valid only up to the election for the concerned post so filled up.

11.      Sub-Committee (if any), Formation/Composition/Terms of Reference/Duties and Functions:  Sub-Committee for specific purpose shall be constituted by the Governing Body amongst members/Governing Body Members.  However, such Committee (Sub-Committee) shall be casual and its term will be specifically defined as and when required by the Governing Body.

12.      Source of Income and Utilization of Funds:  The organizational source of income shall comprise of the following:-
 (i)       Through subscription.
          (ii)         Contribution/donation in Indian Rupees as well as in Foreign Exchange.
         (iii)         Donation of movable and immovable property to the Society.
         (iv)         Interest on the deposits/fixed assets or through any other income.  The subscription is subject to revision as and when decided by Governing Body.  All proceeds of the above income shall be utilized by the Governing Body for the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the Society.  All the income/funds shall be kept deposited in banks.
         (v)          Grants/Assistance.

13       Audit of Accounts:  The Internal Auditor/Chartered Accountant shall:-
          (i)          Inspect all the accounts and their relevant records with the treasurer and audit and prepare the final statement of accounts in coordination with the Treasurer.
        (ii)           He shall put up the audited accounts before the Governing Body who shall put it up before the Annual General Body Meeting for its approval.
       (iii)           The Internal Auditor shall not take part in any other proceedings of the Governing Body.

14.      Operation of Bank Account:  The accounts of the Society shall be operated jointly by any two of the Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer.  Signature of the Treasurer is a must.
15.      Annual List of Governing Body (Section 4 of the Act):  Once in every year, a list of newly elected office bearers and executive members of the Governing Body of the Society shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies, as required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
16.      Legal Proceedings/Jurisdiction (Section 6 of the Act):    The Society may sue and be sued in the name of the Chairperson as per provision laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

17.      Amendments:  Any amendments in the Memorandum of Association and or Rules and Regulations of the Society shall be carried out in accordance with procedure laid down under Section 12 and 12A of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

18.      Dissolution and Adjournment of Affairs:  If the Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved under the provisions of Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

19. Application of the Act:  All the provisions under all the Sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 shall also apply to this Society.

20.Essential Certificate:  Certified that this is the correct original copy of the  Rules and Regulation of the Society.

Sd/-                                        Sd/-                                                    Sd/-
J.R. Gupta                             Balbir Singh Yadav                         L.R. Garg
(Chairperson)                      (Secretary General)                       (Treasurer)


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  2. Society registration in Delhi is governed by the Societies Registration Act, 1860. The process involves submitting an application with the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and rules and regulations to the Registrar of Societies. Upon approval, the society is granted a Certificate of Registration, officially establishing its legal status.
